President Barack Obama on Energy and Environment

The White House – Energy and the Environment——————————————————————————————————————————-Supports the $825 billion fiscal recovery package, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), includes $54 billion in incentives for renewable energy and energy efficiency. ARRA includes:Investment in smart-grid technologiesLoan guarantees for renewable energy and transmissionEnergy efficiency help to state and local governmentsRetrofits to federal buildingsHome weatherization, targeted at low-income familiesCarbon sequestrationLoans, guarantees and grants to automobile battery-makersSeveral other provisions for efficiency and electric or alternative-fuel vehiclesSupports 10 year $150 billion program to create 5 million green jobsSupports windfall profits tax on oil companiesGood on the global warming issue (except for auctioning offsets)Supports Cap-and-Trade for Global Warming mitigationOpposed expanding offshore oil drilling (changed position)Opposes drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR)Pro cellulosic ethanol productionSupports Production of Coal-To-Liquid (CTL)Luke warm on nuclear power (opposes reprocessing)Opposes Yucca MountainOpposed temporary suspension of federal gasoline taxSupports Renewables Portfolio StandardsVoted FOR Energy Policy Act of 2005Missed vote on Energy Independence & Security Act of 2007Opposed Global Warming Legislation in Illinois State Senate in 1997Opposed tapping Strategic Petroleum Reserve (Changed Position)Supported Financial Bailout Bill (Included Renewables Tax Package)